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ENEMY INSIDE – 27.08.2021 – Colos-Saal Aschaffenburg

The new album Seven by Enemy Inside was released on the 27th of August 2021. Of course this had to be celebrated. And where could this be done best? Of course in the Colos-Saal in Aschaffenburg, the bands hometown. Due to Corona restrictions, everybody needed a permanently assigned seat and thus not so many fans could attend the show. That is why the concert was a hybrid show, which means, that the show was also available as livestream on the internet. But the few fans provided a terrific atmosphere. At the start of the concert, everybody stayed on their seats, but where very happy as Nastassjas question to the organizer, if the audience was allowed to stand, got a positive answer. Then of course everybody stood up and the mood became more and more lively. 

The concert was opened just like the album, with Crystallize and Alien. During the evening every song from the album was played, except Black And Gold and the cover Crush. A special atmosphere arose during the last single In My Blood, as the stage was soaked in a deep red color to match the music. Afterwards was a small intermission, where the fans called “encore, encore”. Nastassja came back on stage alone to deny anyone who doubted her singing talent. Break Through was definitely one of the highlights of the evening. Even tho Crush was not played that evening, there was still place for a cover, which was Summer Son from Texas. Just like on the album Phoenix, it was the penultimate song of the evening. Finishing the evening was Phoenix. It was a fitting conclusion of a memorable concert, which was the first concert of the band for over a year. Just like a Phoenix from the ashes, they came back with a bang.


  1. Crystallize
  2. Alien
  3. Bleeding Out
  4. Angel’s Suicide
  5. Lullaby
  6. Oblivion
  7. Dynamite
  8. Bulletproof
  9. In My Blood
  10. Break Through
  11. Halo
  12. Seven
  13. Release Me
  14. Falling Away
  15. Black Butterfly
  16. Summer Son
  17. Phoenix

And as conclusion a video recap by the band on their YouTube channel.

1 thought on “ENEMY INSIDE – 27.08.2021 – Colos-Saal Aschaffenburg”

  1. Pingback: Open Doors Festival (Newcomer Edition) - 16.9.2021 - Neu Isenburg

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